Wednesday, April 4, 2012

To the West of the Eastern Mountains

Today I begin something that has long been in the back of my mind - a place to try and write the various thoughts and explanations that often fill my mind.

Objectives of this Work
The objective of this work is to more or less explore the world and offer my humble explanations for what I can see in my mortal coil and how it relates to the rest of the world such as it is.   This blog I hope to also form the basis of discussions and thought provoking ideas for it is only by beginning to prod the loutish mind that we are able to exercise the chap and move on down the road inexorably to the Eastern Mountain.

The Title of this Blog
The title of this blog is a reference to CS Lewis' work The Pilgrim's Regress (available from Google Play or Amazon).  The book itself is a riff / variation off of Paul Bunyan's earlier work The Pilgrim's Progress.  By the name I hope to convey a few things:

  1. This is a journey, much as life is.  
  2. Oftentimes the very thing we seek happens to be the thing we're the most afraid of (as was the case for the Eastern Mountains in the book). 
  3. Place myself at the feet of the wiser men to whom I owe a great deal, of whom CS Lewis is the prime. 
A Disclaimer
I should mention here that I do not pretend to be a theologian, philosopher, or scholar.  My thoughts are my own and they might be partially or entirely wrong.  If you need the services of a priest or a lawyer (ironically the two subjects that I'm most likely to touch upon) they should seek them out for their expertise in their respective areas.  Indeed, in many cases, I may argue the contrarian view if only to provoke a discussion.

At best, I hope to serve as a fellow traveler, comparing notes on an otherwise convoluted and deteriorating map.  At worst, I might serve to mislead the reader down the wrong path. 

A Beginning 
With that, we must find ourselves somewhere to the side of the Eastern Mountains beyond the metaphorical brook, beginning to explore what might or might not be. 

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